Anti Reflective Eyeglass Treatments
Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of December 5, 2021 The most common used treatment on lenses today is Anti-reflective treatments. Commonly known as A/R. These treatments are very effective in reducing light glare, especially night light glare, such as headlights. However, for A/R treated lenses to be effective,…
Read MoreGlasses That Won’t Fall Off
Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of November 21, 2021 For those who like their glasses to stay securely in place, “cable” (or “curly”) temples ensure that their glasses will not fall off, even if they were to take a ride on a looping roller coaster. The simple design…
Read MoreAmerican National Standards Institute
Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of October 24, 2021 When selecting protective eyewear for work or home, look to the nonprofit, non-governmental organization known as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to set the standard. The original ANSI Z87.1 standard was written in 2003. Revisions were implemented in…
Read MoreTitanium Eyeglass Frames
Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of September 20, 2021 Titanium is a strong, lightweight metal that is currently showing up in everything from dental and joint implants to automobiles and eyeglass frames. When it comes to the latter application, titanium is considered to be somewhat of a super-material….
Read MoreAnti-Reflective Coatings For Driving
Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of September 5, 2021 There is little question that highway vehicles have become safer to drive over the last few decades. At the same time, older drivers should make sure that their visual acuity keeps pace with automotive safety advancements. With this in…
Read MoreThe Truth About Farsightedness
Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of August 15, 2021 Farsightedness (hyperopia), which is much less common than “nearsightedness” (myopia), is a “refractive error” (problem with focusing light accurately onto the retina due to the shape of the eye) that causes farsighted individuals to see nearby things, such as…
Read MoreCellulose Acetate & Eyeglass Frames
Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of August 1, 2021 If your preferences lead you toward colorful eyeglass frames, then “zyl” (zylonite, or cellulose acetate) is a natural plastic that is manufactured from purified natural cellulose and comes in all colors of the rainbow. First produced in 1865, cellulose…
Read MoreFacial Shapes and Eyeglasses
Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of July 21, 2021 There are seven basic facial shapes and your eyeglass frames should be selected to complement yours: If you have a round face, square or rectangular frames will help make your face appear slimmer and longer. For oval-shaped faces, frames…
Read MoreCrossing The Bridge
Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of July 4, 2021 When fitting eyeglasses, one crucial measurement is the “bridge,” the length (in millimeters) of the part of the frame that rests on the bridge of one’s nose. This measurement is particularly important when selecting acetate (plastic) frames, which do…
Read MoreTotal UV Protection
Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of June 22, 2021 It is important that both regular prescription lenses and sunglasses fully protect the eyes from potentially dangerous ultraviolet (UV) light rays, of which there are two types. To guard against these dangers, it is important to select lenses that…
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