Natural Progression

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of January21, 2019 Progressive lenses have become increasingly popular among 40-something individuals who find it difficult to read fine print. Unlike lined bifocals, which separate the reading prescription (at the top of the lens) from the near-vision correction (at the bottom) with a…

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presbyopia vision diagram

High-Index Eyeglass Lenses

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of January 6, 2019 For those who have a strong lens prescription, “high-index” eyeglass lenses are an especially good option. These lenses are thinner and lighter than conventional lenses and are significantly more comfortable and attractive. For instance, a nearsighted individual needs a…

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high index lenses

Changing Eye Color

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of December 23, 2018 The color of the portion of the eye known as the “iris” is determined by a combination of the parents’ genes. While the eye color of most babies will darken in the first few years of life, it may…

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Eye color up close

Understanding Eyeglass Prescriptions

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of December 9, 2018 To understand your lens prescription, it helps to know that the refractive power of a lens is measured in “diopters” (D). One diopter is the lens strength required to focus parallel rays at a distance of one meter. It…

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face - understanding eyeglass prescriptions

The Safest Bet For Children’s Eyeglasses

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of November 11, 2018 When it comes to the selection of a safe material for children’s eyeglasses, polycarbonate is usually deemed the best option. The polycarbonate material was developed by the aerospace industry for use in helmet visors worn by Apollo astronauts and…

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Stylish child wearing glasses

Mission 2017 – San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala


“Foundation For Saving Sight” is a non-profit organization that has helped thousands of people in Guatemala receive eye care. Many of the patients have such severe cataracts that their vision is completely obstructed, leaving them in total blindness. Replacing these cataracts with a lens implant restores vision and dramatically improves quality of life. After surgery,…

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Education & Training

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of October 14, 2018 I wrote this article while sitting on a Sun Country jet on my way home from Las Vegas where I attended Vision Expo West. Vison Expo West is an optical convention, where as opticians, we have an opportunity to…

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vision expo west

Eyeglass Lens Upgrades

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of September 30, 2018 Eyeglasses are subjected to a great deal of wear and tear that can compromise their effectiveness and reduce their longevity, which are good reasons to protect lenses with lens coatings. For instance, because scratches can compromise vision and lead…

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eyeglass lens upgrades regional eye optical

Don’t Buy Cheaters! Get Readers from Us

Optical News

We’ve all seen them at our corner drugstore – displays of reading glasses in varying strengths. You may have even thought to yourself, “I have been struggling to read lately – Maybe these will do the trick.” While these glasses may seem like a convenient solution to your vision problems, you may want to think…

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Reading glasses

Framing Your Eyes Properly

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of September 17, 2018 In order for your eyeglasses to fit properly, they should be custom-fitted to your face so that they are comfortable and the lenses perform as intended. Glasses that slip down the bridge of the nose or otherwise move during…

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Child wearing glasses