Optic Topic

Eye color up close

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of December 23, 2018

The color of the portion of the eye known as the “iris” is determined by a combination of the parents’ genes. While the eye color of most babies will darken in the first few years of life, it may lighten slightly after that. For those who want to change the color of their eyes, iris implant surgery is available, but this option is usually discouraged because it carries severe risks.

However, eye color can be changed safely and temporarily with tinted contact lenses.

Enhancement” lenses are semi-opaque and do not completely change eye color, but they can intensify the existing color. To change eye color more completely, “opaque” lenses are available, which fully color the iris. “Visibility” contact lenses have a slight tint that enables wearers to find their lenses in case they are accidentally dropped.

The contact lens color that will suit you best depends on numerous factors, such as your hair color and skin tone. But, ultimately, it depends on the kind of look you want to achieve – subtle and natural-looking or dramatic and daring.

To learn more, please call REGIONAL EYE OPTICAL at 320-587-6309. We are located just inside Regional Eye Center at 1455 Montreal Street, SE in Hutchinson, MN. Our business hours are:

Mon. & Thurs. 8:00am – 7:30pm
Tues. & Wed. 8:00am – 5:30pm
Fri. 8:00am – 4:00pm
Sat. 8:30am to Noon (Labor Day through last Saturday of April)