Does Wearing Glasses Make You Dependent On Them?

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of January 21, 2018 One of the more persistent myths surrounding prescription lenses is that wearing glasses makes your eyes dependent upon them. However, that is largely a matter of perception. People often tolerate a lot of blurred vision before they start to…

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presbyopia trouble with up close reading vision

Winter Sun Protection

Optical News

Beware Of The Glare! Do you protect your eyes from the sun during the winter season? Overcast and snowy conditions still call for protective eyewear. UV reflection during the winter can be extremely harmful to your eyes. Remember to wear sunglasses in all seasons! View Video To learn more, please call Regional Eye Optical at…

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winter eye protection regional optical

Impact Resistant Lenses

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of January 7, 2018 Active adults and children need a lens material for their eyeglasses, sunglasses, and sports eyewear that is highly impact-resistant. Both polycarbonate and Trivex lenses fit the bill while also being lighter and thinner than regular plastic lenses. They also…

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impact resistant lenses

Dry Eye: Treatment – Artificial Tears

Optical News

Learn More About How To Treat Dry Eye With Artificial Tears Dry Eye has traditionally been treated with over-the-counter artificial tears. Artificial tears are used to help supply additional fluids, minerals, and lubricating materials that are found in normal tears. When used properly, Artificial Tears are a safe, accessible, and effective treatment for dry eye….

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artificial tears solution

No-Line Bifocals

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of December 26, 2017 If you need glasses for distance viewing and reading, as well as any distance in between, you might want to have a look at “progressive lenses.” These lenses have the advantage of not having a telltale line between prescriptions…

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No line bifocals

Swimming with Contact Lenses

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of December 10, 2017 Contact lens wearers are regularly warned not to wash their lenses in tap water or to go swimming with their lenses, and there is good reason for both recommendations. “Acanthamoeba” is a microscopic organism found in soil; dust; and…

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Swimmer in a lane

Fashion Forecast For Eyeglass Frames

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of November 26, 2017 For those wondering what the year ahead holds for eyeglass fashions and trends, there is every indication that current preference for colored lenses will continue. Purple, yellow, green and coral lenses remain particularly popular, and there is a clear…

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Woman wearing sunglasses

What is the 20/20/20 Rule?

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of November 12, 2017 Now that our furnaces are blowing warm dry air throughout our houses, we start to notice more dryness. Our eyes feel the affect of this dryness also, especially when reading or working on our computers. The dry air and…

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Eye up close

Blepharoplasty: Introduction

Optical News

Introduction to Blepharoplasty The eyes are the focal point of the face. Years of harsh sun exposure, as well as natural aging, gradually affect the thin, delicate skin around our eyes. Combined with changes in the deeper tissues around the eyes, these effects may cause the upper eyelids to droop or sag. The lower eyelids…

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blepharoplasty close up of an eye

How Is Your Vision Shaping Up?

Optic Topic

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of October 29, 2017 The shape of the “cornea,” the transparent dome of tissue covering the iris and pupil, plays a large role in determining how sharp a person’s vision is. When light enters the eye, the cornea is part of the mechanism…

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Closeup of an Eye