Optic Topic

Eye up close

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of November 12, 2017

Now that our furnaces are blowing warm dry air throughout our houses, we start to notice more dryness. Our eyes feel the affect of this dryness also, especially when reading or working on our computers. The dry air and the lack of proper blinking will cause our vision to blur.

This is where the 20/20/20 Rule applies.

It is simply taking a 20 second break after reading for 20 minutes, and looking in the distance of 20 feet or more away.

This will relax the eye and permit your normal blink rate to re-lubricate the surface of your eye. Along with the 20/20/20 rule, it may be good to use an eye drop for additional lubrication. There are several very good lubricating drops available without a prescription.

If you have tried the above mentioned treatments and still have issues with dryness of your eyes, call Regional Eye Center at 320-587-6308. At REGIONAL EYE CENTER we have four doctors that can assist you, no matter what eye condition you have. There are prescription items that can be used for dryness. The doctors at Regional Eye Center can explain how they work and if a prescription drop will be good for your condition.

Regional Eye Optical is located just inside Regional Eye Center at 1455 Montreal Street, SE in Hutchinson, MN. Our business hours are:

Mon. & Thurs. 8:00am – 7:30pm
Tues. & Wed. 8:00am – 5:30pm
Fri. 8:00am – 4:00pm
Sat. 8:30am to Noon (Sep-May)