Optic Topic

photochromic lenses

Optic Topic by Steven A. Queenan at Regional Eye Optical – Week of February 17, 2019

Lenses that change from dark to light in response to sun exposure were first developed in the late 1960s. “Photochromic” lenses, which darken in response to how much ultraviolet light they are exposed to, were once restricted to glass. Today, photochromic polycarbonate, high index glass, and plastic lenses are also available.

These lenses are available for nearly every lens design, refractive index, and prescription, which removes wearers’ necessity of switching to prescription sunglasses when they go outdoors.

Photochromic lenses are especially good for people who wear prescription lenses and have lifestyles that take them to outdoor locations frequently. They are also useful for those who find themselves in variable lighting conditions, such as triathletes and fishing enthusiasts. Mirrored sunglasses with photochromic lenses are available for those intent on wearing the most stylish lenses possible.

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Photochromic lenses typically will not darken inside a vehicle because the windshield glass blocks most UV rays. Recent advancements in technology allow some photochromic lenses to activate with both UV and visible light, providing some darkening behind the windshield.

Ask you optician for details. To learn more, please call 320-587-6309. We are located just inside Regional Eye Center at 1455 Montreal Street, SE in Hutchinson, MN. Our business hours are:

Mon. & Thurs. 8:00am – 7:30pm
Tues. & Wed. 8:00am – 5:30pm
Fri. 8:00am – 4:00pm
Sat. 8:30am to Noon (Labor Day thru last Saturday of April)